
Your Life Depends On It, an original webinar series, is designed to inspire, exposing thought leaders to cutting-edge behavioral research and innovative industry practice on some very hot topics, and others perennially relevant.

Whether you manage a hospital, provide healthcare, sell health solutions or are a patient, you encounter health choices, decisions and dilemmas over which solutions to choose, and how.

Watch as host Talya Miron-Shatz – behavioral scientist, visiting researcher at Cambridge University, and author of Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices about Your Health – shares surprising insights on medical decision making.


“Why Cant They Just Ask?”

In this webinar we are joined by Humana’s Z. Colette Edwaeds, MD, to discuss barriers preventing patients from asking their doctors for more information. Poorer, less educated people, are less likely to have this critical ability, but being sick can deprive people of their capabilities. Therefore, healthcare professionals should make a point of inviting questions and clarifications from patients.

UK book launch – with Sir David Spiegelhalter

Join distinguished host and author, Sir David Spiegelhalter, the coolest statistician ever, and I in an event for my book ‘Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices about Your Health’, sharing all the dirty secrets behind the writing, and the passion behind it.

Book launch! Put on your party hat as medicine meets behavioral economics

We all make medical decisions all the time (COVID, anyone?). And we all need guidance. Join Dr. Matthew Katz and me as we celebrate the book launch for ‘Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices about Your Health’. In it, I show how patients became “healthcare consumers”, what their barriers are – from trust, comprehension, and choice, to shared decision making, end of life, physician burnout, and digital health. Patients, doctors, healthcare organizations, all of us – need to take action, and I know how. Join the party! We’ll hear some great people excerpts, and talk about how we can create change.

Session 6: Health Inequities – Psychology to the Rescue

We are increasingly, and painfully, aware of health inequities. People are treated differently based on color, gender, and other characteristics. Accordingly, satisfaction and health outcomes also differ. Dr. Miron-Shatz discusses this in her book ‘Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices about Your Health’, and now, she sheds light on this problem, and offers some solutions.

Session 5: Nudging People into Action – Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics helps us do the things we want to, but somehow don’t. Feeling guilty, anyone? Yes, we’ve all got a pile of those. As do our doctors, who can take simple actions to improve our health, but sometimes don’t. Join us for the 5th episode of this webinar, which is, as always dedicated to behavior change in health, this time with a great guest speaker, behavioral economist Eyal Winter, where I will also share insights from my academic and industry experience. Writing wills, stopping fertility treatments, and anything in between.

Session 4: Driving Behavior Change in Health – Behavioral Economics

Behavior change in the holy grail. It’s what every app developer guarantees. It’s what we were aiming for when trying to convince people to vaccinate against COVID-19 (because if they did not want to vaccinate in the first place, behavior change was in order). And it’s also what insurers need to show government agencies, through the HOS (Health Outcomes Survey), Cahps and more, as they aim for seniors to schedule appointments with their PCPs, and to check various topics for discussing specific concerns. How then do we drive behavior change forward, and how long can we expect it to hold? Join us to learn more about this multi-billion-dollar topic!

Session 3: Health Literacy – The Secret Weapon

Health literacy goes way beyond reading. It involves motivation to learn, critical thinking, and more. COVID-19, which required that the entire population understand and act upon health information, emphasized how crucial this ability is. But is everyone aware of this ‘secret weapon’ for increasing adherence and health? With 90 million Americans estimated at having low health literacy, we should all be aiming to improve it, or at the very least, to serve health materials at this level. How can we make this happen? And what psychological barriers do our patients need to overcome in order to display all kinds of health literacy (social, critical…). And – in an ever-evolving world, we must also consider health literacy as a core capability every HCP needs. Come and learn the psychology and practice behind this means of mass education, and mass empowerment.

Session 2: Removing Patients’ Barriers to Action

We don’t always keep up with health behaviors, even though they benefit us, and we know it. Neither do patients. Beyond knowledge and attitudes, lies a simple yet powerful trick to drive people to action.

Session 1: Overcoming Vaccination Hesitancy

COVID19 vaccination poses medical and behavioral challenges – just like adherence to medication. Let’s learn how to deal with them! This time we’ll discuss how to present information and elicit trust around vaccinations, and whether we should use carrots, sticks, or both to increase vaccination rates.